Phone (509)996-7817

Phone (509)996-7817

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back in Business

Thanks to all of the interest in continuing my program I will be starting up classes again.  I will be starting to private group lessons next week.  I will open up for gymnastics lessons the week of October 22nd.  I bought a new floor and I will be working on padding my walls to make the gym more safe.  Adults I also do a working out with the coach open.  This is an opportunity to work out with the spirit of a group.  Depending on equipment and space, athletes may do a workout with me, a suggested work out, or their own workout.  Please contact me to enroll in classes.


For Sale: 8 Folding Mats 5'x10'x1.5

$1400 for all the mats
4 sided velcro folding panel mats in good condition no tears and velcro is very sticky. The mat measures at least 1.5 inches and I think this mat is normally retailed as 2" thick. The vinyl is thick but I am not sure what gauge. This is mat does a great job dampening impact therefore it is a little on the heavy side. I could sell them individually for $200 each. I have seen these mats for as low as $192 but shipping is $75.
